
Career Development

Are you a high school student deciding on a college major? Are you in college, feeling lost or unsure of your career choice? Do you feel unhappy in your current job and are seeking greater career fulfillment? If so, career counseling will clarify things for you.

Career development is a lifelong process which is influenced by your personal characteristics, interests, background, and life experiences. Too often people feel pressured to choose a permanent career path. In the career counseling process, you will explore yourself, your long-term options, and most importantly, identify your next career step.

The career counseling process usually takes 5 to 6 sessions and includes:
– Career Intake
– Strong Interest Inventory
– Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
– Strengths Assessment
– Knowdell Career Values Card Sort
– Research tools for different career options

The career intake includes questions about your family career history, your childhood dream jobs, and experiences that have affected your life path. The various assessments are used as tools to explore your interests, personality, strengths, and values. With each session, a list of careers is honed for further research. Kaya will coach you through the research process as you work to discover a good career fit.

Any obstacles to the career exploration process, whether emotional or practical, will be addressed in session. Career counseling is a guide, and the decision about your career is yours. Take the next step to living a life that meets your needs and your passions!